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Setup MedUX for Development

For MedUX development, you have to first setup the correct environment. As MedUX stands upon GDAPS' shoulders, and plugins can be distributed via PyPi and developed separately, there are a few caveats. This setup helps you through this process.

Make sure you have Python 3.10+, pip and virtualenv installed.

Clone the MedUX repository:

git clone
cd medux

Create a virtualenv for Python:

virtualenv .venv
. ./venv/bin/activate

Install MedUX and all the required dependencies for developing:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .[dev]
# python makemigrations  # see note below
python migrate
python syncplugins


It might be necessary to do a makemigrations before migrate: as long as MedUX is <v1.0.0 and the API is not stable, we won't include all Django migrations, because models are still changing a lot. Never ever use this software in any production environment, before v1.0.0 is released. Did I say NEVER? Right. It'll eat your pets, beware.

The script creates an admin user per default, password admin.

Now create an .env file in the medux/medux directory. You can use the .env.example file there as a template, and set the variables according to your needs.

python runserver

Happy coding...

If you want to create a plugin, have a look at the [Developing MedUX plugins][Developing MedUX plugins] section